Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Hobby or Business?

Hobby or business?  Have you ever heard that a large percentage of your occupation is really classified as someone having a hobby?  

 So what are you?  A hobbyist or a real, dyed in the wool entrepreneur?  

Sometimes we have to ask ourselves the hard questions and dig deep for their answers, being brutally honest with ourselves.  What is it that I really desire?   

Am I really willing to work hard, commit, & have the tenacity to endure for the long haul & sacrifice to get there? 

Are we running our business with good retail management techniques?  Do we have a written plan?  With outlines for what our advertising campaign will be?  Will it include logo’d promotional items that can bring a return on investment?  That brings attention to our ideal client that makes them sit up & think, wow, I would like to work with this company/coach/consultant.  A written  budget?  A clean mailing list?  Professionally printed brochures, business cards, marketing materials?  Are you collecting email addresses?

And you think, oh my, where do I start?  Just start!!   Ask a friend or hire a coach to help you get there.  An accountability partner seems to be a good motivator for some of us!

Start small, but write it down, give yourself a one year plan, a 3 year plan, a 5 year plan.  You can get there!   

Get it all down in ink & then imagine, vision yourself there at your one year goals, your 3 year goals, your 5 year goals.  What does it look like, smell like, what is happening around you & where are you?  

 Bring all the details into play, write it down, draw it, cut it out of magazines, display it, & you will be surprised what your subconscious brain will go to work on while you are doing the daily consistant work!

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