Monday, December 5, 2016

What's your Vision?

I've been wanting to write a vision for myself and my sweetie for years...Intimidation.;..I started and stopped, let work get in the way, thought what do I really want ( and  Yes!! just how is this going to happen?), where do I really want to go, and so many more questions go running through my mind!

Bleck!!  What do I say?

Recently I had the privilege of going to International BNI conference
and two of the speakers spoke to just this!  It was just what I needed.

One said what are your non negotiables?  That struck home to me and I knew I could do it from there.
The other speaker spoke about his new book, Eyes Wide Open--as he is blind!!!  We didn't know this
until he told us!!  How cool is that?

Anyway, he just put into words what I needed to hear.

And we took the advice and calendared it and took a half day and wrote it! 

I am so excited to have it done for one, but it inspires us!!

So totally cool...

So find something that inspires you, ask yourself what are your non negotiables and DREAM BIG!!

A quote I recently heard....Might as well Dream Big, small comes anyway.

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